Sound Bath

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Using a mixture of sound tools – singing bowls, gong, drums, and chimes, participants are bathed in sound vibrations, taking you on a personal journey of relaxation and reflection.

The immersion in sound lasts for 45 minutes, so allow a little over an hour.  Your mind will have then have a chance to gently re-enter the space afterwards and I offer a personal grounding session before you drive home.

Wear comfortable clothing, bring along a yoga mat (or chair if you find it more comfortable), pillow, blanket and eye mask for a more comfortable experience.  A water bottle is also recommended to help you stay hydrated afterwards.

Sound Baths are currently being run every 2nd & 4th Thursday of the month at The Centre of Healing in Somerville, 7.30pm.  Return to my Home page or Nourishing Harmony’s facebook page for ticket links.
